Ida's Angel is a brand created to uplift and encourage people to live their best life. The Ida's Angel blog site is the beginning of a brand of content and items that supporters can be proud to advocate for and share with friends and family.
This blog will feature riveting articles featuring a wide range of topics, but centrally focused on equipping readers with the tools they need to free themselves of the stigma of perfection. No one is perfect, but everyone is gifted.
The name Ida tribute's the life of Ida Maude Ross, the grandmother of the sites creator, Ms. Jasmine Mosley. The name Angel derives from the word Evangeline, the middle name of the mother of the sites creator. Together, these women taught Jasmine how to navigate life with a positive outlook and a kind heart. Positivity and kindness is embedded in the threads of Ida's Angel and will continue to be the core of the continued cultivation of this brand.
Enjoy your experience and contact the creator at anytime. No questions will be left unanswered.