Dear Self,
Your reflection was a reminder of everything I thought I lacked. Anytime I was asked to change you, I didn’t need your permission. I steered the ship and happily altered you as much as I could. I ignored you, hated you, and I placed you last. You didn’t matter to me, and it tore us both down. I never realized that walking out on you, meant I was walking out on myself. When I devalued your worth, I slowly tore away pieces of myself. When I finally slowed down to notice you, I could barely recognize you. Looking at you in the mirror again, I could see the pain and exhaustion on your face. All of a sudden guilt bubbled in my throat and I felt the urge to finally acknowledge you. So please except the following words as truth, as I express my sorrow……
I apologize for not believing in you, I apologize for shattering you and most importantly I apologize for not loving you.
You are the most important person in my life and I will never place another person before you again. I vow to look at you in the mirror and adore you. I commit to spending time with you and only you. I will protect you, value you and honor you. But most of all, I will love you.
Self, please take me as I am, as broken as I am, and forgive me for the years I spent devaluing you.
To the love of my life.
Happy Valentine’s Day.