People are noisy.
They give unsolicited advice. They can envy and hate.
But people are also caring. They share wisdom. They can make a difference, they comfort, they love.
We are wired with emotions that are difficult to manage. This makes us mercurial. We have an up and down mentality, that makes it dangerous for us to solely depend on one another for advice.
And this is why you must..... quiet.. the.. noise.
Be Still
God's opinion is supreme.
He is direct, clear, and concise.
Let Him cut the voice of every person in your life.
Hoard No More
You cannot think with clutter.....You cannot hear with clutter..... and you most certainly cannot survive with clutter.
The mere sight of a hoarders home, makes the average man cringe. The mess is incomprehensible.
Don't let the trash build up. Clean your house and shut the 'others' down.
The Only Voice
Our lives are precious. So beautiful and unique. No one knows how to navigate the world better, than the one who created it.
Slice through the sound waves of those who fog your brain, and you will surely hear the voice of God.
It is the sweetest sound.
It is the only voice that will deliver you to the next level.
So listen with intention and Let... Him... Speak.