Society tried to tell kinky, curly hair that it couldn’t exist. That it shouldn’t breathe and dare not be free.
They said “kinks aren’t beautiful” and that the glamour of black hair would be stolen from the hearts of its owners.
The love one should have for their crown, was questioned and bottled into pieces of doubt, fear and hate.
“Shrinkage isn’t seductive” they shouted! The loud and direct voice of those who weren’t born into the black experience engrained non-belief into the ears of many. To glorify black hair became a sin.
This form of hurt is misguided and certainly reflects the worst part of a person who is indeed ignorant.
Despite this report, a great relief comes from this simple fact: the world has never had the final say.
The very definition of #blackhair transcends the common mind. What they cannot define they attempt to hide. God-given hair isn’t a mistake.
If you take what belongs to you and show yourself the beauty that lies within the threads of your hair, the invasion of another persons thoughts won’t matter. Coily, kinky, and curly hair deserves a chance to shine.
To the observers: black hair is not a revolutionary statement. The way black hair grows is just the way black hair flows. We shall not make what is natural; political. Most importantly, what does not belong to you shall not be touched.
To Black men and women: The mirror is reflecting a beautiful truth. You are good enough. Don’t categorize your prize and stop joining the parade of shame.
When you see black hair, respect black hair!
When you love black hair, you validate black hair!
Honor black hair, and the kings and queens watching will wear black hair!
Come out of the shadows. The darkness was not made to highlight the depths of your beauty. Let your crown shine!