Whatever comes natural without much effort, is our god given talent. Our talents make us unique, multi dimensional and special. But what happens when we recognize our talents, but are too afraid to share the gift?
What's keeping you from jumping?
The obvious answer is fear, but before we pick apart that fear, here are the repercussions.
When you prolong your jump, you delay your new life.
When you make the decision to follow your heart, along with that decision comes a brand new life. One that is greater than your current stagnant reality. Why miss out on a chance to start over?
When you prolong your jump, you run into avoidable obstacles.
When you aren't operating in your purpose, you experience unnecessary road blocks. These road blocks have no business in your life, but are present because you are walking down a path that was never tailored for you.
When you prolong your jump, you deplete your energy.
It's tiring to live a life outside of what God has intended for you. It's mentally exhausting and each day turns into a burden instead of a beautiful experience.
Breaking Down Fear
Most people neglect their talents because they either think they will fail or aren't totally confident in owning their talent.
Failure is bound to happen. So go ahead and swallow that pill and be prepared to dust yourself off when you fall. Embrace failure. Own it. Acknowlegde it's existence and keep flying. As long as you do not quit, your dream is bound to manifest.
Being afraid of your own natural abilities is purposeless. It's a complete waste of time and once you free yourself of this bondage, you will realize it has only hurt you and not served you.
Gifts were designed to inspire. When you release and fly, it pushes others to do the same. This type of "pay it forward" action is important to the continued elevation of the human race.
Jumping is the hardest part. Stop over analyzing and let go. Because if you don't, your life will always be the same. And if the same is what you want, I hope you enjoy the view from the bottom.